Artistic Designs

Artistic Designs

On a Sunday afternoon, and I go to his home in Fernwood, a neighborhood inhabited by the technical students, hippies and wanna - be artists, actors, writers, and alternating between the real thing. Theft does not disappoint. He dressed in elegant, with attractive, elfin face, hip, and several tattoos. Real ones. He offers me a glass of iced tea before me in the town of bathroom to wash and dry hands completely. Then we have to draw him in the living room floor and hands resting on the pillow leopard print as he dips a toothpick in the black mysterious green concoction that smells of eucalyptus, Rob's own secret recipe of a mixture of henna accuracy of land, oil, camphor, and a few drops of lemon juice, hot in the sun, and strong brewed black tea and sugar. He was telling me that there are thousands of recipes, many of them on the Internet, but this one works well for him.

And music from Portishead moans and wails in the background, and I became mesmerized watching Rob swirls and drawing flowers in my hands. Butterfly kisses and a sense of light being drawn by the hypnotic completely, as well. I find myself looking for his big, affectionate eyes and told him about the habit of Indian painting of the first name of the groom in their designs. "Those who initialed am I?" Ask. When I tell him not to bother, and he raises, "I have already put mine in it." I am quite intrigued. An hour later, my leg was numb. Theft has almost finished the one hand, and had stopped for a cigarette break. I worry about the room, shaking my legs. The vortices at the hands of the rich, dark and Rob me to ask what are the colors that will be tomorrow. Which explains the paint will crust, which makes the design of orange. In shades of orange, depends on the type of henna used, and the condition of the skin. "It is better for the skin, and this good work, if you are a hard worker, if you have lots of pores and cracks in the skin, the color will be darker and last longer. Indian bride and mother in law more like them or her designs are darker and more for a period of long - it shows a hard worker. "This makes me a little nervous. Seems to rest in the hands of my reputation.

Hour and a half later, both hands covered in thick, and the popular design. As an added bonus, Rob gives Lucia, my photographer, a small group of his secret recipe of a mixture of henna, so they can try the same process. I give Rob the fifty United States dollars and take my leave. In fact, I ask Lucia to pass the money to Rob, and I just held my hand out to me is useless. Alert me not eliminated brushing against henna or something will rub off. I am pleased to be strange that an excuse to do something for myself. Lucia and open the car door, I put my hands around me for the treatment of designs, thick rich. She jokes, "Oh, so now you have all the women, waving your hands!" I smile in mysterious circumstances, and prove myself in the passenger seat, like a queen. On the way home and let me hold my hands out the window, apparently to dry in the wind. But in fact, I am monitoring the reactions of people in other cars. No one seems to notice.

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