What is Saree

What is Saree

Join Sarah as old as the Indus Valley, back in the era of 2800-1800 BC, where women in all parts of India and the sub-continent wore Surrey. However, some historians argue that men and women wore a dhoti or Lungi (Mundu) at one time, but the styles of women's clothing is slowly changing with the influence of Hinduism and other normal changes. With all these differences exist, and can agree that women in India, were in Surrey for a very long time, long before Europe from the Dark Ages.

And Sarah (also known as sattika or a valid and legitimate) are now India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, Pakistan and other countries near India. Overtime, and many of the active role in society have developed slowly, and the values of society have changed. In Pakistan, the popular Sarah suffered and are now slowly dying in Pakistan after independence from India, and is seen as influenced by Sarah Hindus in their homeland. Other countries such as Afghanistan can be used to force an early age, and perhaps even in the Aryan invasion of the Indus valley, but took the dress in something unique.

Art of Saree       Specifications of Saree
Indian Saree       Sarees in Banaras       Modern Saree 

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